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2 Translation results for close-minded in Spanish

adjective | adjective

close-minded adjective

unfavorite favorite
de mentalidad cerrada

closed-minded adjective

unfavorite favorite
intolerante, mente cerrada

close verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
closed, has closed, is closing, closes
cerrar; cerrarse; concluirse, terminar

Example sentences of
close verb

  • We had better close the windows; it looks like it's going to rain.
  • I forgot to close the gate.
  • She was having trouble closing the drawer.
  • Close the lid on the box tightly.
  • The door opened and closed so quietly that I didn't notice he had come in the room.
  • The box's lid closed with a bang.
  • Remember to close the box of cereal when you're done.
  • Please close your books and put them under your desks.
  • Close your eyes and go to sleep.
  • I closed my fists and got ready to fight.

minded adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
inclinado (a algo)

Example sentences of
minded adjective

  • in most David vs. Goliath contests, people are generally minded to side with the underdog

Synonyms of
minded adjective

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